Welcome to My Music Store
I am currently offering a collection of liturgical music composed for worship bands and keyboard/guitar led ensembles.
The texts, except where indicated, are common texts translated from Latin and used in hymnals of many denominations. Music was composed and recently revised by me, as were lyrics for some selections where indicated, throughout my years as a worship leader in Lutheran congregations and Youth Gatherings. Print music includes melody only; examples of possible harmonies are included on the demo recordings. Contact me directly to purchase vocal arrangements geared to your ensemble.
Listen to audio music samples here.
You can purchase the entire collection as
1) Lead Sheets only, suitable for guitar-led bands with singers; fewer pages, no written piano score.
2) Vocal/Piano Scores, suitable for piano/keyboard-led ensembles; includes written piano score.
3) Full Pack, which contains both Lead Sheets and Vocal/Piano Scores for all selections.
Each collection includes guidelines for selecting and using liturgical elements within the worship service, based on guidelines by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
(The payment procedure is through PayPal, but you will have the option to pay via credit if desired. A link to your purchase will be sent via e-mail after payment is received.)
Worship Band Liturgy
Lead Sheets $12.00
(melody, lyrics and chords)

Worship Band Liturgy
Vocal/Piano Score $12.00
(melody, lyrics, chords
and piano score)

Worship Band Liturgy
Full Pack $20.00
(Lead Sheets &
Vocal/Piano Score)

Click on image for full-size sample
You should receive a link to your order via e-mail within 12 hours after purchase. If the link does not arrive within 24 hours, please contact me here with a description of your purchase.